This material refers to xenon headlights .
Due to the fact that today xenon light sources have become the most popular and in demand, a large number of false companies that produce replicas have appeared on the automotive lighting market. Many drivers have to face a similar problem, which provoked the question of how to still protect themselves from deception and unreasonable overpayment for poor-quality goods. It is worth paying attention to the fact that many manufacturers produce replicas not only with little-known, but often with completely unknown names. Also, such companies often copy the names of global manufacturers. That is, not always buying a product with the name of Philips, Osram and other well-known brands, you are 100% protecting yourself from acquiring a fake.
6 signs, how to quickly and easily calculate the fake xenon lamp
In order not to fall into the hands of scammers and not to be deceived, consider the following points when choosing original lamps.
Light output. Regarding the lamps of well-known manufacturers, such as Philips, Osram, it is worth noting that such light sources have a higher level of light output. The light output level in the original xenon sources can not be lower than 3200 lm. In turn, fake lamps can not have such a light output, and it is always lower by 20-40%. Accordingly, a fake will shine 2500-2700 Lm. Sometimes you can encounter lamps, indicators of which do not exceed 2200 Lm.
Xenon ignition unit. For operation of standard xenon lamps S and R types, a xenon ignition unit is required.
Work resource Original xenon lamps are always distinguished by a long operational period, as a rule, it is equal to three thousand hours. The data suggests that a car owner can use a quality lamp for 3-5 years. In the distance, this figure is expressed in 100,000 km. Indicators of a fake lamp are much lower and the driver will be able to use such lighting devices for not more than a year, which is about 1000 working hours. As in the previous case, the rate drops by 20%. This suggests that the owner of pseudo-xenon optics will change the lamp three times more often than when buying original goods .
Quality assurance / marriage. High-quality standard equipment from the manufacturer almost completely eliminates the possibility of marriage. Statistics show that 10 thousand light bulbs in only one can be detected marriage. The defect rate in the original equipment does not exceed 0.1%. All lamps from the manufacturer Philips are covered by a one-year warranty. If defects and malfunctions are found during the warranty period, the driver can always change the lamp, taking advantage of the manufacturer’s warranty. Marriage in original xenon lamps, the issue of which are engaged in the company Philips and Osram, does not exceed two percent. At the same time, the products of companies that produce only fakes, has a marriage rate of 20-200 times higher. These data tell us that by purchasing a fake product, you will certainly buy a device that will soon fail or will not work at all.
Production. Lamps manufactured by Philips and Osram are always manufactured in factories that use only a fully automated production system and the presence of human labor in this process is excluded. This production method protects the product from damage. At the same time, forgeries are manufactured using human resources (manual assembly), which increases the risk of improper and poor-quality production of these products. Also, official manufacturing companies constantly monitor product quality, which minimizes the possibility of production of defective goods. The production process also uses high-tech and expensive equipment.
Feedback equipment. In the original equipment with feedback between the lamp and the ignition unit, there are no problems, which can not be said about the fake. The use of low-quality lamps leads to rapid failure.
As you already understand, the use of an inexpensive, but at the same time low-quality product will lead to much more tangible costs than a one-time purchase standard xenon lamp . Are you ready to make such a deal with your own wallet, it's up to you.