- Instruction
- How to find out that a person is sitting in VC through stealth
- Invisible has been online recently
- Invisible Stealth mode
- How to follow the VKontakte person? How to find out who went to the page? Who is online now?
It used to be the invisible people were only in fairy tales and science fiction films. In fairy tales, it was enough to remove the cloak or the magic hat from the invisible being, in the movies - to throw something over it. Today invisibles penetrate our world through the Internet.
- If you are registered at least in one social network, then you probably saw on your page a small such inscription-button "Enable stealth ". You click on it, and you, for a completely frivolous money, about a hundred rubles, offer the following service: within a month you can go anonymously to the pages of other users. Yes, you probably met these invisible on your page. Such an invisible woman comes in, looks, studies, and you cannot do anything about it. Most users social networks they are extremely dissatisfied with this, but the situation is beneficial for network owners - additional income.
- Previously, it was possible to calculate the " invisibility " by looking at the HTML code, there was such a "hole" in Odnoklassniki, My World, and VKontakte. Now this opportunity has been closed, and even the average visitor to social networks did not help much. There are ways rather psychological.
- If you have a good memory, and you remember your guests for the last two or three days, you can try the following method. Carefully review the guest list. The fact is that if a classmate Vasya Ivanov “came in” to you yesterday under his account, and today he wrote a nasty statement or a declaration of love on behalf of the “invisible person”, then his former portraitist from the guest list will disappear.
- More difficult, if the "invisible" before you did not go. If he does not annoy you, but only occasionally visits, then you can not pay attention. If you started a correspondence with you and does not lag behind, you can try to guess which of your real friends can do it. Well, if it really interferes with living, try to contact the moderators, substantiate your claims, and they will definitely help you. No, the name of the invisible, you will not know, but on the page to you it will not get.
Like many social networks, Vkontakte has a feature such as “Invisible”, thanks to which users can view the tape, read messages, listen to music and the like so that the “Offline” icon is lit for the rest.
This is done mainly in order not to shine for unwanted "friends" on the network and so that they at the same time are not offended that you do not answer them.
But you can outwit such users, and this will be discussed further.
How to find out that a person is sitting in VC through stealth
In fact, tracking invisibility is extremely difficult. The fact is that special programs it does not exist for this, the Vkontakte site does not provide such an opportunity, and the method of exposing a page using the HTML code does not work.
What to do in this case? Rely on your attentiveness and a strong desire to catch the person who is hiding from you.
Invisible Online
To make things easier for you, I will point out situations where, even if you turn on the “invisible being, you can show up as“ Online ”:
- if you sit through mobile app and go to the "Application News" and "Your wishes", you become visible, as these tabs open through the built-in browser;
- if you accidentally turned off the stealth mode (you can switch the switch to the left position with a light and awkward finger movement);
- adding to the wall of any kind of record, you also become "vulnerable" (if you share someone else's record, you will still be "out of reach", since the repost is not considered);
- in parallel using official application and the browser, you risk being noticed too.
Invisible has been online recently
Now, knowing all these chips, have patience and straighten your visual memory. You should remember the guests of your page in a few days (if you don’t really count on the memory, write it down somewhere).
If during this period of time he logged into your profile without stealth mode enabled, then activated this function and again visited you on the page or wrote something, then you will not see his previous avatar in the guest list.
To simplify the task of tracking a contact that has not yet become invisible, may the site VHOD cc. In this case, "surveillance" will be made in offline mode. When you go to this address, you will see a square like this:
After logging in, you need to fill in the forms for your phone or Email and password. If you are already sitting in the VC, the following window will appear:
Having opened access to your account, you again return to the VHOD cc page. Now you can see all the actions of friends on VK. When you click on the inscription "Who?" A list of friends who sit on the site in this moment or came out recently.
A little way
But how to find out that a person is sitting in the VC through the invisible being, if he has never been your guest? The task is not easy. Only skills of Sherlock Holmes will help here.
If you have in your friends list only those with whom you often communicate and know each other well, then you can calculate a restless anonymous author from his characteristic letter manners, favorite words, etc.
In principle, if this person does not particularly bother you, you can simply ignore and ignore. But if you are already very tired of bothering stealth, call the service technical support Vkontakte .
If you explain the situation correctly to them, they will be able to stop the actions of the invisible on your page, but you will not know the name of the anonymous author.
As you can see, it is very difficult to fight invisibility. But there is nothing impossible in the world, the main thing is to have a desire. Achieve goals, beware of unwelcoming guests and do not hide behind a void mask.
How to see who is now VKontakte online? How to hide your presence and remain invisible?
Invisible Stealth mode
With the help of the site you can see which of your friends in Kontakt is now online, without going to your page. That is, they will not see you online, and you will see them. It's very simple - you go to home page and click "Login" under the heading "VKontakte":
The contact asks you, as usual, your email address (or phone number) and password. If you have already contacted Contact, then this window will not be (see the next picture right away).
It is necessary to enter the site, but no one will see you online there yet. Please note that the password is requested by Contact, and not by our site. So do not worry that it will be intercepted by someone else. Your password does not reach anyone. Enter the phone or e-mail (email address) and password, then click "Login".
A contact will ask if you allow access to your data (our website needs this to show which friends are online and what's new with you):
Now you get back to the start page of the site. See what the Contact window now looks like (example):
How to follow the VKontakte person? How to find out who went to the page? Who is online now?
The list of friends who are online now or have just been there appears when you hover over the word “Who?” (Or click there if you are from a tablet).
And to go to the Contact, click anywhere on this rectangle with the heading "VKontakte". If you click on some event (for example, someone commented on your photo), then you will immediately get into the comments to this photo. Very convenient and simple.
The most interesting thing is that until you come into contact through the site, clicking on the heading "VKontakte" or in any empty space inside this rectangle, you will remain invisible. Ask your friends to check - they just won't see you online. And you can follow them at any time. Updating the website page (on the computer with the F5 key), you will see who has come into contact and is sitting there (or has just left - because the status is “online” for a few minutes, even if the person has already closed the page).? ”Or click on it . Here is a secret!
Put VHOD.cc your start page and enjoy it (there is a link "Make home" in the upper left corner).
How to find out who went to the page?Who is online now?
What to do in this case?
When you click on the inscription "Who?
How to see who is now VKontakte online?
How to hide your presence and remain invisible?
How to find out who went to the page?
Who is online now?
The list of friends who are online now or have just been there appears when you hover over the word “Who?